Exactly. Thank you, Pinterest. You understand me.
But since this strategy is obviously not working, I decided to forgo real cupcakes and make this instead:
The free pattern is from Bittersweetblog.com. I crocheted the cupcake with acrylic and a 2.5mm hook and added pink sprinkles and a cotton cherry on top.
It’s a quick make. Despite frequently jumping up and losing my place I was able to crochet most of the cupcake during the Netherlands-Costa Rica game last night. I finished it off today, once my nerves had calmed down. (The games get more and more stressful.)
This sweet, low-cal cupcake is part of a gift I’m putting together, more to be revealed over the next weeks. Summer vacation is fast approaching and the panic is setting in. So much to make before then!
Cost of this Thing: 0
Cost of all Things to date: €274.74
Eeee! How cute is that?! Can’t wait to see what it is a part of.