Thing 205

When I cut out the pieces for Esther’s blouse from the delicious Liberty lawn I was able to eke out a Hollyburn skirt as well.

This is my fourth Hollyburn and I’ve got this pattern down. I don’t bother with the zipper anymore. In fact, I only did the zipper on the very first one I made, the pink Hollyburn for Martina. I like it with the zipper but elastic is easier. The Path of Least Resistance for the win!

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I used two inch elastic and the same method I used for Martina’s blue Hollyburn. It’s the method I learned when I attached the cuffs on Esther’s Minoru jacket. Basically it involves sewing the waistband into a loop, folding it in half and inserting a loop of elastic, and then attaching the whole thing to the skirt. This allows for a clean, neat finish and avoids a chunky back seam.

An invisible hem was the final touch and this skirt is ready to go. Unfortunately, Esther doesn’t have anything to wear it with — all her tops are loud prints or the wrong colour — so I may have to whip up a quick t-shirt this week. I think I have just enough blue jersey left.


Cost of this Thing: 0
Cost of all Things to date: €274.74