Martina had some school friends over a couple of months ago on an afternoon where I was crocheting some little animal or another. They squealed and oohed and ahhed and in a rash moment of insanity I promised them all an animal. Fortunately I made no timing promise other than to say it’ll be a while.
The girls browsed through my patterns like forever before they could decide. One finally chose a panda (the same one I promised Martina — the one that almost didn’t get made), another a goat, and the last chose a brown horse with a white mane.
A couple of weeks ago I finally got down to the task. I started with the horse, mostly because I couldn’t face making another panda and I can’t find a good goat pattern.
I’ve used the same pattern before, but now I have professional eyeballs to jazz it up.
Hey (hay!), it’s a start.