Work-in-Progress Wednesday: Belcarra Blouse

I’ve been crocheting for the last week and haven’t even stepped into my sewing room. Nature has a way of taking over, even indoors. This little guy was suspended in front of my sewing machine, from chair to table.


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I carefully dismantled the web and the little spider scurried off into one of the many piles on the table.


My most recent sewing projects have all been relatively successful, leading me to believe I’m actually progressing into an intermediate sewist. This was a humbling afternoon.

I was quite a bit behind on the Sewaholic Belcarra Blouse sew-along and it was 2:00 this afternoon before I sat down at my machine, but I figured I’d be all caught up in an hour or so. I was busy for three.

I started by sewing on the sleeves and attaching everything at the shoulders and sides, giving me the basic structure of the blouse. Moment of truth: did my FBA (full bust adjustment) work? Argh! The darts are almost two inches too low but I don’t know how to raise them without changing the entire structure of the blouse. The back doesn’t hang right either. I think I may need to go down a size and increase the FBA.


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Despite the fit being all wrong, making the blouse completely unwearable (though how wearable was a bed-sheet shirt going to be?), I decided to continue in order to practice all the steps. I’ll have to do another muslin before I cut into the Liberty lawn but by that time I’ll hopefully have mastered the other elements. I confess I lost any sense of perfectionism after this, so the neck binding and the cuffs leave much to be desired.


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I should be finished this blouse by the weekend and I think I’ll dive right into a second attempt. This pattern has potential but it may take a few tries before I get there.

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  2 comments for “Work-in-Progress Wednesday: Belcarra Blouse

  1. June 8, 2014 at 7:00 pm

    oh no, I’ve been there too 🙁 Just think though, aren’t you glad that the darts are too low rather than too high? 😛

  2. June 8, 2014 at 8:11 pm

    Ha! I guess you’re right, but I can only raise the dart by about an inch and a half, otherwise it’ll be coming out of the sleeve and that’s just weird. If it’s still too low what do I do then??

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