Martina joined a badminton club a few weeks ago and apparently it is A TOTALLY AWESOME SPORT. THE BEST THING EVER. (Have I mentioned I have a teenager?)
For the first couple of lessons she carried her shoes and water bottle in a plastic shopping bag. Then she got her own racket and things got serious. The time for shopping bags had passed.
I decided to draft my own pattern for a badminton bag. I drew out dimensions and got to work. I figured if I can sew a coat a simple sports bag would be a walk in the park.
I was wrong. I broke a needle, stabbed myself with a pin and bled on the bag. It took three tries to attach the inside pocket to the zipper before I got it right. Except it was upside down. And then I sewed the top of the bag shut. Sigh.
And yet.
I kind of like it. The exterior fabric is from an old sheet that I picked up for a euro at a thrift sale a couple of years ago. The interior is also lined with an old sheet, but in plain white. I interfaced all the pieces to give some structure to the bag.
The racket nestles in the interior pocket, and the shoes and water bottle tuck neatly into the front.
A small zippered pocket on the front fits a phone and some change.
The drawstring closure is a bit tough to close but should loosen up with time.
Since it’s not going to be used for anything heavy I made simple back straps of more of the rope.
A little loop means we can hang it out of the way during the week.
Go Badminton Girl, go!
Cost of this Thing: 0
Cost of all Things to date: €88.61
Love the fabric and the picture of Martina!
Hey Melz, hope I show up as being a reader in Luxembourg! BTW, love the bag…Go Martina go! 🙂