Koningsdag! Lang leve de koning!
Today’s Things are three more crowns, so all my adult guests are appropriately attired. (The kids have plenty of orange in their wardrobes.)
Our local shopping area was full of celebrations. The vrijmarkt (lots of kids selling their old toys) was bustling this year. The beautiful weather helped — the sellers could spread out. Last year they all crammed into the covered areas.
Martina and her friend, Annika, played violin and flute. They raked in the cash with their duets, ranging from Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring to Wrecking Ball to the Dutch national anthem. Wilhelmus van Nassouwe, ben ik van Duitse bloed…
Esther and her friends, Catherine and Linnea, sold cupcakes. Duncan Hines was a big hit here in Holland.
And we all wore crowns, beautiful crowns…
But now the activities are done, and it’s time to fire up the barbecue.
Happy Koningsdag!
Cost of these Things: 0
Cost of all Things to date: €163.12