Work-in-Progress Wednesday: The Belcarra Saga Continues

Last week I sewed up my first bed-sheet Belcarra. The fit was a bit on the saggy side. Today I pulled out the pattern and another bed sheet to have a second go at it.

I tried on the first muslin and marked where the darts should be. Then I reassembled the pattern to its original state and transferred the new markings.


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The darts are higher now, and a bit more sharply angled. I hacked and slashed and taped it all back together.


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Since the purpose of this muslin was to work on fit I only cut out the front, back and sleeves. It took just twenty minutes on the serger to get this far.


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I think I’ll push the dart up another half an inch and run up another muslin. Whew! The learning curve is strong with this one. But I’m getting closer…

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  4 comments for “Work-in-Progress Wednesday: The Belcarra Saga Continues

  1. Christina
    June 12, 2014 at 9:24 am

    Still reading along! 🙂 I’d Hate to point out what might be obvious but do remember that the bust/ dart fit can be significantly influenced by whatever bra you’re wearing. Wear what you’d likely wear under the finished product.

    • June 12, 2014 at 7:56 pm

      Hi Christina! Glad you’re still reading. You’re absolutely right about the bra — I’m making sure I wear the same one with each version. I made my third muslin this evening and YAY I think I’ve got the fit right!!

  2. June 12, 2014 at 7:54 pm

    much better!

    • June 12, 2014 at 7:56 pm

      Yes, and I just made it even better today! I’ve got the real Thing scheduled for tomorrow. Here’s hoping I don’t mess up that gorgeous Liberty.

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